Marshall Cavendish (Asia) will be hosting a book launch for my short story collection - Uncanny Valley this Sunday at The Arts House Singapore.
A few amazing authors have read a review copy and offer some kind words for the collection:
“The short story has a structure that appears to be deceptively simple but it requires a master to craft it to perfection. S. Mickey Lin’s insightful stories exhibit his mastery of the form. His is a fresh voice that provokes serious thinking and yet delights.”
“A collection of masterfully rendered portraits of our country and our people. Incisive and biting, S. Mickey Lin conveys our diversity, foibles, strengths and weaknesses in sharply observed stories of university professors and civil servants battling with political correctness; slyly witty accounts in the voice of egotistical food critics and horny masters of the financial universe; and sweetly understated paeans to arts and the home by a floundering Minister of Speculative Technology and an imported badminton player. Insightful, funny and definitely thought stimulating.”
“Each story in S. Mickey Lin’s Uncanny Valley has been crafted from a strong premise, then propelled into motion with a whipcord of wit, clever characterisation, and astute observation. A few cross the line into absurd comedy or futuristic farce and have great entertainment value. Other stories like ‘Right History’ and ‘Home Game’ spin their narratives from current issues like blinkered nationalism and ‘foreign talent’. After reading this collection, the twelve tales will keep turning in your mind like colourful tops.”
“S. Mickey Lin’s stories can reach dizzying heights. If you suffer vertigo, I dare you to step out on this ledge with him to experience Singapore from multiple perspectives, helping to build a fuller, sharper view of this rich city and its multicultural, gastronomic splendours. Enjoy this feast of new work by an up-and-coming local talent.”
“A lovely showcase. Uncanny Valley collects eclectic stories with great range—tender, funny, clever, moving. S. Mickey Lin manages to unearth the anxieties of city life, and give it a grand cinema strung together by intriguing simulacra. To take a leaf from one of his characters, it scarcely matters that the stories aren’t real, what matters is that we get to know how it all feels like.”
If you're in Singapore at the time, please drop by and say hello.
If you would like to purchase a copy right now, it's available for purchase here.
“LESSON: Write your personal best, keep upping your craft, repay others’ kindness, and remember to pay it forward.”
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